Saturday, August 05, 2006

Come On In!!

Hi! It's Ben and Ashley here, shouting out from Japan. You may be in California or Florida or Hawaii or....well, you get the picture. Speaking of pics, the handsome guy in that one is a Shisa Dog. The Japanese post them at entryways to ward off bad spirits and attract good ones. Since this is the kick-off of our family blog, we thought we'd put him here for luck. (Plus, I think he's wicked cute. -Ashley)

We created World Wide Atkinson as an easy way to stay up to date on each other's lives. To stay on top of promotions, new houses, new babies, and just the every day "you won't believe what the baby did" fun family stories, we invite you to join us online. Pop in with a story of the dog eating the couch. Log on and post a photo of the baby. Leave a post requesting prayer.

This is called a "blog, " which is short for weblog. In a nutshell, it's an online diary. In order to post, you'll have to create a blogger account. Ashley uses blogger for her personal knitting blog (visit me here!), and it's a great, easy-to-use blog service. With blogger you can leave links to other websites and post photos right in the middle of your text. It will even check your spelling, but you'll notice we rarely click that button! You can keep your own blog in your blogger account, or just use it as a way to post here. It's as simple as you want it to be, but, know that keeping your own blog is a great way to share with everyone you know who isn't interested in Ben and Ashley in Japan. Not that there are many of them, but just in case ;). Blogger has FAQ's, or you can e-mail us with questions at, and we'll try to help.

We hope this becomes a great common gound for us all! So, jump on in, create a blogger account, and let us know what's going on with you.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi everyone!!! I hope that people log on this is a GREAT way to see what is going on.

Speaking of what is going on......we are moving to Minnesota around the 29th of this month. We just found a cute little house and I will send pictures as soon as we get up there. We will be living near Uncle John and Kathy. I am sooooo excited that my family will be a family agian!

Alex has a check up on Monday and I am expecting him to be over 8lbs!! I know it doesn't sound big but being almost 6 months and starting off at 3.5lbs, he is getting big.

Caitlyn is doing great also. She is starting to count on her fingers and if you ask her how many 4 is she will show you on her fingers. She is very much into counting and can get up to about 15 before she starts going all over the place with numbers. Reading is something else she loves. We are working on teaching her her letters so she is well on her way.

Bobby has been being Bobby. He is still catching bugs and lizards but has expanded to catching birds. He brought a baby quail into the house a couple of weeks ago and said that he had to keep it because it could not find its parents. Other than that he is doing good and cannot wait for the move and to start school.

Little Brad is a life saver!! With Brad gone and me with 4 kids he helps with the baby so much!! He will fix me bottles and feed Alex too. He trys to help calm him down if he is fussy and helps me get him into the car while I am trying to get Caitlyn and everything else into the car. I cannot wait for us to get up to Minnesota and him to find friends to go play with!!

Well I guess last is me and Brad. He is still up in Prescott Valley and his official last day is the 25th!!! He is doing well and I have told him that I hope he has had a good rest because the kids are all his!!;) I am trying to get things packed and going through stuff in storage so I can get rid of anything that I do not needd. We are both looking forward to being together agian.

I guess that I have covered everything so far and will get pictures out as soon as I get to a computer that will read my disk.

Our Love to All,
Brad, Angela, Lil Brad, Bobby, Caitlyn and Alex


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